Saturday 16 June 2007

Chess Nemesis

I'm back. Everyone has one, whether it be chocolate, or smoking, or dropping your trousers in the middle of the zoo. Everyone has a nemesis. And as with many a computer game or cheesy no plot film over the years, mine wishes to take over the world. If you want something to laugh at, his manifesto is here: I dont have a recent picture of him but I managed to scrape together a lookylikey.

My Nemesis

As with any nemesis, he has a master plan, well, a plan i guess. He thinks that the best way to prepare for taking over the world is to learn how to play chess. Now I'm no Kasparov but I can hold my own. Also the longer I keep him trying to beat me, the longer we can keep clowns in the circus. (Dont ask me read his blog). Anyway I shall be publishing chess scores on my blog so that if I do ever get beaten (lol) you can all evacuate ready for his deranged dictatorship. Well the last session was 4-0 to moi, one of which was in around 8 moves (lol). I'll have more for you soon.

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